April 14th- Another Fun Night

Post date: Apr 17, 2016 2:42:46 PM

After a two week absence, David Colvin returned to the dispatcher office (below).

Once again the Yardmasters, Mose Crews (below, left) in Riverfront, Marvin Bennett, Jr.(below, middle) in Ginnings and Danny Garland (below, right) in Shreveport, did am excellent job

As usual the local operators, Dillon Stokes (below, left) as the Maryville Operator (MOP) and Jim Willis (below, right) as the Sue City Operator (SCO) did a great job keeping trains moving.

The mainline train engineers, Charlie DeVillbiss (below, left), Charles Kneipp (below, center) and David Durham (below, right), 

along with Ken Ellison (below, left) and Rob Robbins (below, right) kept the dispatcher busy all evening.

All in all a good evening of railroading was enjoyed by the Sue Line Crew.