February 11...Neither Rain, Nor sleet, nor snow

David Colvin, Ken Ellison, Mose Crews, Danny Garland, and Paul Harwell, braved the officially listed 5 1/2 inches and Sevenths biggest snow on record to work Thursday night.

Cables for the north end of Brandon were made by Ken Ellison and their installationwas begun by David Colvin, while Mose Crews, Danny Garland and Paiul Harwell unraveled the mystry of the bad connection in the Shreveport yard area. At last the bad connection was identified and work can progress.

After the Thursday session, Valentines Day and my 13th Anniversary did what the weather could not do. Stop completely work on the conversion.

There is much to look forward to and I have been advised that another shipment on decoders, detectors, turnout drivers and signal drivers is on the way from R-R CirKits.