April 8th Back to work...

Post date: Apr 11, 2010 4:47:46 PM

After the disaster of April 1st, there was only one thing to do, get back to work.

Everything seem much happier now for Jim Willis (above, left) and Rob Robins (above right). By the end of the evening they had Zone Masters installed in Maryville, Ft. Barrow, Pinecrest and were completing the installation in North Park- only three towns to go...

Rodney Dixon (Above left on left) and Danny Garland (Above left on right) are back making cables to connect the trackside signals. Ken Ellison (above center in back) and Ron Brannon (above center in front) continue with the gapping of tracks in underworld and Mose Crews (above right) stays busy woking out the gremlins in Shreveport, yes after six weeks there are still some things to correct.

Paul Harwell (above, left on floor) and John Arnold (above, left on stool) are back making cables to connect turnouts and detectors as well as the toggles on the front panels to the computer system. And even Charles Kneipp (above right) has shed his "monster" image and is back at working making the tortoise linakes to the switches run like silk.

About half-way through the session who should appear but Jack Green from the Mid South Model Railroad Club of Baton Rouge. MUch way shared about their experience with signals systems and the JMRI. Jack left some icons to tryout on the Sue Line. As always, Jack was a welcome site to the members of the group.

Finally, we can see that David Colvin is determined not to be the "butt" of anymore photos. David completed the cable installations at Ft. Barrow and Great Bridge and is now starting at Pinecrest. The TC-64's have been placed thru Sherwood and only two towns remain to be started.

Finally, thanks to all of you who send in answers to last week's quiz. Yes, JUlie, you can have no fear for David is always the well dressed worker and there was no crack at his back.

The final shipment equiptment has arrived from both Kieth Guiterrez and Al Al Lautenslager at CVP Products (Zone Masters) and form Karen and Dick Bronson R-R CirKits (TC-64 and cards) and we will soon begin installation. The only think we were short of was cable, but thanks to John Arnold, Jason Busy and Home Depot we should be back in business next Thursday. For those of you who were not aware, Dick is recovering from a fairlyserious injury to his face from a 2 x 6. Out prayers continue to go out to Dick.

While considering prayers, please keep Gil Freitag and his wife Virginia in mind.


Gilbert is fully settled into his room here.The different therapists continue to work with him on a daily basis. He is flexing his right leg more and is able to get out a few recognizable words. He took his first teaspoonful of apple nectar on 4/8. On the 9th, he was able to take 2 more. They downsized his trach again to a 4mm. After a bit, they will plug it and see how he responds. One step farther down the Recovery Lane.

Again, thanks for all of your prayers, without them we would not be this far down Recovery Lane.

Much love to all of you.


Send cards to:

Acuity Hospital

2001 Hermann Dr.

Room #201

Houston, TX 77004

PLEASE CONTINUE TO SEND ANY WELL WISHES FOR GILBERT TO gfreitag@swbell.net  (NOTE: This is a temporary email address set up by friends to communicate with Gil.)

All responses will be printed out by Ed Rains and taken to the hospital to share with Gil as he fights back from this challenge.