July 21st- Car Check Night

Post date: Jul 24, 2016 5:37:42 PM

There can never be all play and no work, even for the Sue Line Crew. After several weeks of play it was time for work-- car check. Making sure all the cars are where they are supposed to be and with 900 plus cars, it can take some time.

There was one exception, Charles Kneipp (above) who spent his evening 

predominantly under the layout doing minor electrical repairs.

Charlie DeVillbiss (above) is seen at Lake Hamilton checking cars.

Rob Robbins (above) was busy checking cars in Sue City.

Here we see Mose Crews (above) buried in paperwork as 

he checks River Front Yard and Ginnings Yard.

Marvin Bennett, Jr. (above) was also busy in 

River Front Yard and Ginnings Yard.

Danny Garland (above) is seen checking cars in Jeauxville.

Craig Pearson (above) is seen busy checking cars in Union Street Yard.

Richard Kamm (above) stayed in the dispatcher.s office

to help with locations of stray cars and any other paperwork.