April 11th- And Now For Something Different

Post date: Apr 13, 2013 7:18:50 PM

Recently it was brought to my attention that basically each week was the same thing, a posting of who was here that week. After some reflection I agree and therefor we are starting something different. Each week a different member of the Sue Line Crew will be responsible for taking whatever photos he likes and then they will be posted.

Lets begin with- Trainmaster David Colvin:

A northbound train is at North Morgan awaiting a clearance into

Union Street Yard. In front of the northbound local is-

                        THOMPSON STEEL AND WIRE

This industry is named for Ken Thompson of Austin, Texas.

At one time Ken Thompson was a "repo man" and had some great

stories about hot wiring cars and reposing cars or--

? stealing them back.

The northbound train was cleared into Union Street Yard in

Shreveport and it now at Creek Crossing.

The engineer has changed from radio channel 10 (road crews)

to radio channel 12 (yard master channel).

The northbound train is passing the Union Street Yard Tower and

is just entering Union Street Yard in Shreveport.

The engineer has been instructed by the Shreveport

Yardmaster to change to  radio channel 13 to check

with the  Union Street Operator before moving through

Union Street Yard.

The engineer has been instructed to put the caboose on the

Caboose track (Track 50) in Union Street Yard.

Having left his caboose on the caboose track in Union Street Yard,

the train moved through Union Street Yard, where the consist is

left, and BUSY Yard under the direction of the Shreveport Operator.

A bird's eye view of the power from the northbound train at

Ashby Junction where the engineer returns to radio channel 12

to check with the Shreveport Yard Master before entering

River Front Yard.

It apears that a single covered hopper is currently at


for those of you not familiar with the local history and geography,

Shreveport is located in CADDO parish in Northwest Louisiana.

Here we see an overall view of the River Front Yard which makes

up a portion of the Shreveport Terminal Complex.The Shreveport

 Yard Master has control of all traffic from North Morgan  to  Crew Change.

The power from the northbound train is awaiting instructions by the

Shreveport Yard Master on how and when to move

from Ashby Junction to the Diesel Facility.

The power move from the northbound train has been thru

River Front Yard and is headed for the Shreveport Diesel Facility.

Thanks to David Colvin, Trainmaster, for the photographs and

for being the first to try our new format.


Shreveport Yard Master

Union Street Yard and BUSY Yard Operator            River Front Yard Operator            Ginnings Yard Operator


The Shreveport Yard Master Communicates to the Yard Operators on radio channel 13.

The Shreveport Yard Master Communicates to the Dispatcher AND TRAIN ENGINEERS on radio channel 12.

The Shreveport Public Belt Operator Communicates to Dispatcher and Yard Master on radio channel 12.

The train engineers communicate to the Dispatcher on radio channel 10,

to the Shreveport Yard Master on radio channel 12, and

to the Yard Operators on radio channel 13.

Sue City Operator talks to Dispatcher and train engineers on radio channel 10.

Maryville Operator talks to Dispatcher and train engineers on radio channel 10.

For those of you who are wondering who was here--

Mose Crews was the Shreveport Yard Master and River Front Operator

Rob Robins was the Union Street Yard and BUSY Yard Operator

Jim Willis was the Ginnings Yard Operator

Charlie DeVillbiss was the Shreveport Public Belt Operator

Marvin Bennett, Jr. was the Maryville Operator

Danny Garland and Lionel Bragham were the scheduled trains engineers

Rodney Dixon, Charles Kneipp were the extra board train engineers

David Colvin was Trainmaster and extra board train engineers

Richard Kamm was the Dispatcher