November 18th- Back for More Work

Post date: Dec 05, 2010 3:30:33 AM

After having a little, fun, there was still more work for the Sue Line crew to tackle.

The old Christmas lights which had shown the way in underworld were replaced by new LED lights. Jim Willis (above, left), Paul Harwell (above, center) and Rodney Dixon (above, right) are seen hard at work removing the old lights and installing the new lights.

Jason Busey (above) was busy speed matching several units. He was constantly muttering CV2, CV3, CV4 and CV5, all night long.

Several decoders were also installed in locomotives. Here we see Charlie DeVillbiss (above,far left), Jason Busey (above, left seated), David Colvin (above, left standing) and Mose Crews (above, left- rear) discussing which color wire goes to which place on the units. It appears that mose of the "hands-on" work was done by Mose Crews (above, right-gray cap) and David Colvin (above, right-plaid shirt).

Rob Robins (above, left) and Matt Tessier (above, right) discuss using their cell phone as WiiThrottles while seated in the dispatcher's office.

Mose Crews (above, left, cap) and Ron Brannon (above, left, gray hair) work on connections at Richardson while Ken Ellison (above, right) supervises.

Rob Robbins (above, left) is measuring track voltages while JIm Willis (above, right) supervises.

Work was everywhere, Jason Busey (above,left) continues to check out locomotives, while Ken Ellison (above, center) discusses a cable issue with Ron Brannon (above, right, front) and Rodney Dixon (above, right, rear).

Here we see David Colvin (above) hard at work setting up trains for our next session while will be after Thanksgiving.


Ron Brannon (above) will be making another trip in his motorcoach. Have a great trip Ron, be safe and hurry back.