October 17th- Ken Ellison on Train 814 and-- What Season Is It?

Post date: Oct 20, 2013 6:6:14 PM

This week we will begin in Eastman on the E-branch. Train 814 has pulled into Eastman from Elliott. On the E-Branch all the towns start with the letter E.

At Eastman

The Central Western are grabbing a car to be picked up.

The car to be pick up is SL 0099 a tankcar,

it is taken over to the siding to be put in the consist.

The east track at Good Gas*A*HOL is cleared and

used as a switch lead to pick up the SL Covered Hopper

from Rummings Supply.

A the engines get ready to return to Train 814, they re-spot the cars at Good Gas*A*Hol

and crab an SPB Box to move to the consist.

Train 814 mow has both cars in tow.

Train 814 has more switching before leaving Eastman.

At Eagleton

After finishing the work at Eastman,

Train 819 heads down the E-Branch to Eagleton.

The engines stop briefly at The Station before crossing

Fifty Shades of Gray Bridge to arrive at EB-Town Interlocker.

At EB- Tower/Maryville

Here we see Train 814 on Fifty Shades of Gray Bridge

at the E-B Tower signal.

A northbound Sue Line fright enters the interlocker at E-B Tower.

Meanwhile, a NoLaCRA southbound freight has just left Leming.

The northbound Sue Line freight as backed up

to clear the E-B Tower interlocker.

As the northbound freight stops on the mainline at Maryville,

there is bad news for the Sue Line Dispatcher. The northbound

freight is too long for the mainline and the southbound freight

is also too long to fit in the siding at Maryville.

At Ft. Barrow

The northbound Sue Line Train backs up to Ft. Barrow

and meets the southbound NoLaCRA freight.

At the end of the Run.

After the excitement at Maryville and Ft. Barrow quietens down,

Train 814 continues southward to NoLaCRA Yard.

It isn't Halloween. It isn't Thanksgiving. But it is???????

Time to move the Christmas tree from storage to the Den in the house.

Helping Paul Harwell (front row, black hat), Danny Garland (far back row, glasses) ,

Rob Robbins(front row, jacket), Jim Willis (back row,green shirt),

Charles Kneipp (front row, grey shirt), Mose Crews (far back row, C&O Hat),

Marvin Bennett, Jr.(back row, brown jacket).

To all of these brave sole,

Mrs. Christmas (A/K/A- Mrs. Sue Kamm)

sends a great big